Dot Eco has partnered with Al Gore and the Alliance for Climate Protection to bring the “.eco” top level domain to life. The Alliance’s mission is to persuade the American people—and people elsewhere in the world—of the importance and urgency of adopting and implementing effective and comprehensive solutions for the climate crisis. Over 2 Million people have joined the Alliance’s “We can solve it” effort.
Our Partner
Latest Dot Eco news
Apr 2
Dot Eco LLC and the EkoMiko Foundation Announce Mutual Support of their Missions to Promote Environmental Awareness and Activism
Oct 5
Six leading environmental companies, associations, and organizations announce their support for Dot Eco LLC’s application for the .eco top level domain
Aug 20
Dot Eco LLC and Announce Mutual Support of their Missions to Rise to the Challenge of the Climate Crisis
.eco endorsers
Nonprofit organizations
Alliance for Climate Protection
Our mission is to persuade the American people, and people elsewhere in the world, of the importance and urgency of adopting and implementing effective and comprehensive solutions for the climate crisis.
Energy Revolutions
Energy Revolutions provides you with a solar electric system for your home.
Roger Moore
Sir Roger Moore is perhaps best known for portraying two British action heroes, Simon Templar in the The Saint, and James Bond. He has been a UNICEF ambassador since 1991.Sierra Club
Dot Eco LLC, it’s partners and Sierra Club share similar missions – to protect our communities and planet. Dot Eco has our full support for its application to ICANN for the .eco top level domain.Eco Displayware
We supply eco-friendly displayware products used in visual merchandising for storage, organization, and display.